
Using Trojan against Terrorism - My Bachelor Degree Speech πŸŽ“β€‹

A few days ago I completed my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, and I wanted to express some thoughts about the thesis work.

The thesis research I brought is a Trojan designed for Anti-Terrorist use. Getting permission to develop this thesis was arduous, I was several times discouraged from bringing such a project, being that usually Universities do not develop Trojans or more generally Malware.

Nevertheless, I managed to find a Professor who supported my cause.
I am fully convinced that studying these technologies is necessary. Trojans are the key breakthrough to fight organized crime and Terrorism, if used consciously they can save lives and expose illegal trafficking.

Universities in the Cyber Security field, must not only train people who can defend, but also attack. It will certainly not be with defense that we will beat organized crime, but with weapons of attack and people capable of using them.

In future years I plan to strive for my ideas to be understood in order to bring innovation and research to the field of Malware Developing. The goal is to use science to save people and secure civilians while fighting organized crime.

For those interested in the full speech I attach the video in which I expound on the project.

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